Maureen Sevilla

What now?

How much will edits cost?. want to be
an Author?

Specializing in content and copy editing.

Advice from the editor of several best selling and award winning books.

If you need a writing coach or editor, I may be able to help.

Completed Manuscript Copy edits $.0035 p/word - basic grammar usage, punctuation, spelling,  $350 for 100k word MS
Additional Line edits $.0025 p/word - book is complete, needs a little tweaking, continuity check, polish error checks - $250.00 for 100k word MS
Developmental+ edits $.0075 p/word MS - detail your world, sentence structure, improve plot, fix plot holes, refine characterization, pacing, and conflict, grammar and punctuation check.- $750.00 for 100k word MS
Proofreading $.0015 p/word - find final errors after formatting $150 for 100k word MS

Shorter MS? Need Personal Pricing?

Package Pricing? 
   Before your book is ready to publish, I suggest you decide what you'll need. Begin with a knowledgeable critique partner or two and join an experienced group of writers so you can pick their brains. Then decide if you need an experienced developmental editor, a line editor, and/or a copy editor. A few beta readers wouldn't hurt, either. Even experienced authors and publishers are surprised by how many little errors sneak through each edit.
   My specialty is developmental editing. That means I check for plot holes as well as character and story structure. Do you have goal, motivation, and conflict in each scene? Is the pace right for the scene and have you included hooks to keep the reader interested? Is something missing? Is everything written in order? 
   During development, I don't focus on punctuation and grammar as much as the story, unless it impacts the development. Wait for it...there are always more punctuation cleanups after changes. 
   For story evaluations, I charge $150 for a manuscript up to 65k words (which is applied to the final editorial bill when we reach an agreement to contract). If I don't think it's ready to submit to a publisher or ready for publication, I will provide you with a detailed revision letter explaining what I believe the manuscript needs. If you would like to work with me, be prepared to submit a completed manuscript, a short 3-4 page synopsis, and a rough story blurb for *when you're ready to promote. If you have concerns or questions about the service or your needs, I'll be happy to respond to written questions by email.     

   Do not send your manuscript. I will not open any attachments.
                Contact me at                MaureenSevilla@gmail(DOT)com